FRANKE StillPure™ (112.0621.869) 家用檯下濾水器

  • 特價
  • $2,220.00
  • 定價 $2,780.00

製造產地 英國
顏色 銀色
直徑 (毫米) 68.0
  • 可直接飲用 (通過NSF 42認證)
  • 產品亦通過無鉛標準
    Product also evaluated and determined to possess weighted average lead content of <=0.25% and complies with lead content requirements for "lead free" plumbing as defined by California, Vermont, Maryland, and Louisiana state laws and the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act.
  • 從濾芯到外殼,100%英國製造
  • 為確保濾水器達至最理想之過濾效能,水流可調較至每分鐘1.5公升。每六個月或過濾了2,300公升水後需更換濾芯。

         件/每箱 1